Six Lenses The Locus Research blog about creatvity, design, product development and innovation.


Robin Lyttle
Bay of Plenty-based electric off-road bike maker Ubco has begun assembling, testing and shipping its first production models to meet pre-order and dealer demand in New Zealand and Australia.
The award-winning startup, which was co-founded by Whakatane-based Antony Clyde and his partner Daryl Neal in Wellington, is also seeking $1.5 million to $2.5 million in second stage funding from the Bay's early stage funding group Enterprise Angels.
The bikes were designed and developed by the founders in partnership with Tauranga industrial... Read more
Robin Lyttle

Over the last few years Locus Research has become an integral part of Fieldays Innovations, to give both participants to the Innovation Centre and visitors to Fieldays the opportunity to discuss and develop their ground-breaking ideas. We've found it increasingly important to foster innovation in the agritech sector and have had some excellent outcomes from our participation.

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Krissi Smith

New Zealand has been slow to adopt the electric bike revolution that is sweeping the globe but a couple of keen Kiwis (and a Canadian) are using their ingenuity to create e-bikes with a difference.

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Robin Lyttle

A rainy morning greeted us following the sixth annual awards ceremony for the Young Innovator Awards. Luckily, we were secure and dry inside, oblivious to the weather as we listened to the unique stories of six of New Zealand's legendary innovators. Each came with their stories of going from start up to success, from school to super star. This is the third year we've held the Innovation Forum and each time we come away enlightened and inspired by these speakers.

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Dan Faris

It's always a pleasure to hear about innovators, thinkers and entrepreneurs around the world; people who, in their own way and their own field, are working to make the world a better place. As any of you who have watched a TED video online can attest, it's addictive stuff. It was with quite some anticipation that we attended the Tauranga TEDx conference on Saturday 24 July. So what surprises did it have in store for us?

Well, for starters:

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Krissi Smith

Leaving the safety of school and entering the big wide working world can be a scary endeavor -- but Bay of Plenty students that attended the BOP Young Grower of the Year - Cultivate Your Career event are now one step ahead of the rest.

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Krissi Smith

Fieldays 2015 has already been and gone in a flash. In Fieldays Innovations there was a real buzz of activity in The Lab with judging and awards, and the addition of the brand new 'Accelerator' area. It is great to see the Innovation area within the Fieldays continue to go from strength to strength. We have posted the results here which serve to illustrate some of the fantastic work that is coming out year on year.

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Simon Crane

Many people try to avoid Messiness. Some try to solve it, and others try to get rid of it completely. But what Usman Haque will tell you, is that messiness is essential. It’s the life blood of every city and it creates the very fabric that supports a cities culture, diversity and familiarity.

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Michael Peterson

Stories, contrast and props. These three memory hooks can turn dreary and un-connectable sales pitches in to pitches that work, according to Mark Robotham of Brand Developers Limited (BDL).

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Caroline Noordijk
Caroline tracks the journey from a dying IPhone to a gleaming teal Sony Experia Z3 Compact.
After trying to keep my iPhone 4s alive for as long as I could it was time for the inevitable; a new phone. The Wi-Fi stopped working ages ago, possibly because I introduced my iPhone to the cobbled stones of the Amsterdam streets, and it just got tired. I postponed a new purchase for as long as l possibly could. Partially because I needed to justify a new big purchase, but mostly because I was waiting for the iPhone6 to be released.
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