Innovation Consulting

Altitude Aerospace Interiors.   See other Innovation Consulting case studies.

How We Help You Deliver Better Results

Innovation Consulting has grown from our broad and deep experience in product development. We work with clients to help them deliver better results through their R&D programmes and to build internal capability. This can include advice on innovation, commercialisation, and capability development through to audit, advisory, and review.

Capability Development

We are an NZTE accredited Capability Development Provider, and have worked with a number of businesses to develop their capability in product development and commercialisation aided by NZTE funding. We offer a three-part capability development workshop series designed to help companies become better at developing new products and delivering them to market.

The workshops explore the key reasons why you need to innovate, shows you why an effective product development process is your company’s most valuable asset, and provides a framework for how to commercialise new ideas successfully. 


Commercialisation is vital for products to succeed, so we are increasingly helping clients in this area. This can involve anything from developing commercialisation frameworks, assisting with capital raising, development of marketing and sales collateral, and writing a business case though to setting up supply chains.

Audit, Advisory and Review

We use our own frameworks to review and advise on the performance of your company’s product development and commercialisation process, R&D structures, and programmes. We have developed ‘Six Lenses for Innovation’, a framework which looks at all the key aspects of a business that influence its ability to innovate successfully from groups, teams, and culture to management and process. This process seeks to understand how R&D is structured within a business and how each area, activity, and discipline interacts and interfaces. 

Mentoring and Support

We can step in to help clients with specific issues or projects in an advisory capacity. Our broad experience base means we can make a valuable contribution across a range of areas. This mentoring and support work can be in the form of ongoing support over time, mentoring on a short project, or participation at specific strategic discussions. It can be quite fluid, flexible, and cost effective and is tailored to the specific needs of a client.


Six Lenses for Innovation 

We developed the Six Lenses for Innovation to aid in innovation consulting. Through this process, we help companies to review and assess the performance of their product development and commercialisation process or programme.

Product development and commercialisation are often viewed as distinct and separate processes. Our experience in a range of sectors and industries indicate that effective product development requires a fully integrated approach to be successful. This means considering all aspects of product development and commercialisation in the same context. As such, our approaches to both product development and innovation consulting have been broad by necessity, and looks for relationships between areas.

Six Lenses for Innovation seeks to understand how R&D is structured within a business and how each area, activity, and discipline interacts and interfaces together. 

The process draws out insights and recommendations that have the ability to change practice and behaviour to improve development outcomes.

The framework looks through six lenses at your company to identify areas of concern or issues that may limit innovation.

A detailed performance rating is give to each of the six lenses, which highlights where strengths lie and recommends where improvement is needed. Each lens has a number of sub categories, which explore particular areas, which are also rated.

 Groups, Teams & Culture

  • Group Modes
  • Cross Pollination
  • Culture
  • Learning
  • Environment

 Customers & Markets

  • Customers
  • Problem or Need
  • Market Research
  • Brand & Marketing

 Management & Process

  • Process & Approach
  • Gates & Milestones
  • Programme Management
  • Testing, Validation & Compliance

 Case Studies & Constraints

  • Constraints
  • Expectations
  • Barriers
  • Success & Failure


  • Business Case
  • Handover & Transition
  • Market Entry
  • Intellectual Property
  • Partnerships & Alliances

 Creativity & Vision

  • Idea Sources
  • Creativity
  • Vision


The rating system has been designed to be intuitive, and easy to read and understand. The ratings provide a useful gauge, but should be considered in the context of recommendations.

The rating is related strongly to the value the recommendation could have on improving innovation outcomes.


Interested in innovation consulting, business consulting, or new product development? Contact us to discuss your needs.