It’s hard to believe that the time has come again to launch the next year of the Young Innovator Awards – but perhaps that’s because we just finished off an internship with Harry Dobbs, winner of the 2013 Internship Award for his Gutta Cone invention.
This year’s programme is already off to a great start – on the 6th of March Locus Research and Newnham Park hosted local teachers for an introductory workshop. After a tour of the facility and Locus’ brand new office, we were treated to pizza and refreshments, mingling with new and old friends, and an overview of the programme. Timothy Allan from Locus Research, Lyn Parlane from Priority One, and Duncan McKenzie from Woods, the Creative Agency, talked about successes from last year, our schedule and goals for the year ahead, and fielded questions about entries and procedures from the teachers. It was an informative afternoon for all, and a great way to get into the YIA mindset.
A week later, the morning of 13 March, a similar group of teachers, young professionals, including councellor Matt Crowley, and representatives from each of our 2014 sponsors gathered at the Raft in Tauranga to officially kick off the 2014 programme. The early morning light was streaming through the window as breakfast was served. Greg Simmonds from Priority One kicked off the presentation, introducing the sponsors, who include Plus Group, Page Macrae Engineering, CareersNZ, Bayfair, Enterprise Angels, and the newly announced The Edge radio station.
He then passed the mike off to Duncan McKenzie, who introduced a little innovation competition to get everyone in the spirit. Bayfair is looking to install mobile phone charging stations around with mall – with the sustainability twist that people must be used to power the stations. Each table set to the task of coming up with ideas of how to power the stations, and they came to the party with loads of creative ideas: from harnessing kenetic energy via rigged up shopping trollys, doors, and a cycle gym, to solar power and a water wheel to drive the mobile chargers, to Bayfair rep’s favourite – charging for parking to pay to power the stations – the creative energy was really flowing. The winning table was awarded Bayfair vouchers – it will be interesting to see if they take on any of the proposals.
Timothy and Duncan continued the innovative vibe by introducing the YIA program and what’s new for 2014. The categories will remain the same for Junior and Senior school students, and last year introduced a Young Professionals category which will be renamed ‘Under 40s.’ But new this year is an Overall Winner’s Award of $5,000 from our new sponsor, CareersNZ. We will also look to bring the People’s Choice Award forward, exhibiting all finalist entries in advance and presenting the award on the Awards evening on August 7. Keep an eye out around Bayfair for more promotions and your chance to vote for your People’s Choice Winner.
Also new last year was the first annual YIA Innovation Forum, which was a great fund raising and inspiring success. This will be held again this year, on the morning following the awards, and really is an inspiring event not to be missed!
And finally, Tim touched on the growing social media involvement including YIA Facebook and Twitter pages, and newly created Instagram feed. Be sure to get involved and leave your mark – there are heaps of great reasons to enter the awards, and not just for the prize money ($1,000 for both Junior & Senior students; $2,000 for Under 40s, which with the Overall Winner Awards totals up to $6,500 for students and $9,000 for Under 40s to be won!). There are also start-up workshops on the line for Senior students and Under 40s. The Young Innovator Awards could be your chance to advance your career and becoming the next great innovator, and it’s a great chance get involved in the Bay.
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