The Sustainable Design working group meets this December to discuss a wide range of topics and get a talk from Anna Karin Jönbrink. She will talk about the EuP European directive.
The Sustainable Design working group meets this December to discuss a wide range of topics and get a talk from Anna Karin Jönbrink. She will talk about the EuP European directive.
The group's focus now moves more toward action and we hope to be able to report back with some progress in the new year. In the meantime, heres the agenda for discussion.
9am Updates and news from the group SMF funding for sustainable business- Overview of SDWG Plan
9:30 -9: 40 am Update on Landcare LCM work – Jake
9:40am Regional networking events Feb 09 Confirm proposed dates (see below), and discuss possible venues Discuss and confirm outline for the events Review draft content for presentation at the events Proposed dates for SDWG events Auckland – February 19th Wellington – February 26th Christchurch- March 5th 10:30am Morning tea
Meeting in Wellington Discuss the purpose of the proposed meeting in Wellington Plan for the meeting- date, venue, attendees etc
11:30am 48 Hour film Challenge Further discuss the concept Feedback from Carthew Neal-
12:30 pm Lunch
Update from Peter Salmon- via teleconference Wiki Group logo Miami work
2:00pm SBNs Sustainable Design and Innovation Award Case Studies Discussion and feedback from group on the draft outline for case studies on SBNs Design and Innovation Award entrants. Aim of case studies- to provide insight into the drivers for sust product/service design, and process involved. Case studies to be published on SBNs website. Draft outline for case studies; Description of the product, service or building What were the key drivers for designing the product service or building? How did you go about designing this product/service/building? What were your key learnings from the process?
2:30pm- 4:30pm Presentation Anna Karin Jönbrink- Manager Energy and Environment- Swerea IVF "Driving ecodesign in business" from Anna- Karin Update on the European Union’s Eco-design of Energy-using Products (EuP) Directive from Anna- Karin Questions and discussion with group throughout presentation
Attendees: Anna Karin Jönbrink, Jeff Vickers, Cathy Veninga, John Hatrick-Smith
The Outlook for Someday Awards- start 5.30pm Please let Sarah know by Monday 1 Dec if you are interested in attending this event.