Six Lenses The Locus Research blog about creatvity, design, product development and innovation.

Education Emerging in New Zealand

Recently there has been a real upswing in the discussions around education. There are three here that are worth mentioning.

Recently there has been a real upswing in the discussions around education. There are three here that are worth mentioning.

Sarah McLaren from Landcare Research is pioneering a Life Cycle Management programme. Her aim is to educate 6 Masters students and put them into companies in a supervised capacity. This will be led by an internal company champion and help upskill the company. The programme's timelines are still forming but there are still opportunities for companies to contact Sarah about involvement. It is a fantastic opportunity for 6 companies to learn from a person of Sarah's experience.

Nicola Bould has been working on a PhD in the area of Design Education. She is investigating the impediments to the uptake of sustainability within New Zealand institutions. This could be a critical link to the implementation of Sustainable Product Design within the tertiary sector in New Zealand. Currentl, y there are no electives or core courses which provide students with the tools they need to operate.

Idil Gaziulusoy is also investigating a scenario development tool for product development teams. She is currently based out of the ISCER in auckland undertaking her PhD.

So there is a lot going on right now, and these are pretty interesting and positive areas for involvement.

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Timothy Allan
Timothy Allan is the Executive Director of Locus Research. He brings more than a decade of sustainable product development in the commercial domain to the team, along with a proven ability to lead technology oriented product development projects and diversified design teams.