Get Sorted Launches in NZ

Get Sorted in Bunnings

Hard on the heels of the successful Australian launch of Get Sorted in Bunnings the product has been launched in New Zealand.

The Get Sorted programme provides customers a total home storage system that can provide flexible options throughout the home including: wardrobe, bedroom, living room and office.

Programme Director, Rogier Simons says 'It is very satisfying to see all the elements come together and then to be able to launch them in New Zealand, in our home town, Mount Maunganui.  With Australia being launched in August the focus has been offshore until early November when the installations started. We are excited the product is now available for New Zealand customers'.

IML's Managing Director Craig Nees could not be happier with a strong customer response on both sides of the Tasman and demand outstripping supply until the New Year. 'Locus Research provided a turnkey solution for us from initial research to the last piece of manufacturing documenation, packaging, marketing and instore collateral'.

Considerable thought was given to making it easy for customers with a wide range of pre-configured options and even pre-configured print views. So a customer can simply print out the material and get what they need. Simple.

To find out more about GetSorted, contact our team or visit the getsorted website.