Encircle Advances on Focus on Health


Encircle was selected at one of 20 out of 104 entrants to advance to the semi-finals of New Zealand Focus on Health. This recognises the huge potential in the R&D project, the business opportunity, and the great team that have been brought together to deliver. Levana and its parent company TMC are excited by the potential to create value in the medical textile sector.

The product and business opportunity were put forward in a compelling entry into the New Zealand Focus on Health initiative.

'It offers the opportunity to fast track the commercialization process of New Zealand health solutions into the United States. Developed by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, The Challenge offers the chance to win a share of over $800,000 of in-kind and cash prizes, and access to mentoring, local and international partnership opportunities, and a world-class network of useful contacts.'

The Encircle Project has been under development since late 2007 at Locus Research has crystallised into a fully developed product offer and business. Locus Research has delivered this as an integrated programme from research to market entry. This has included the research, development, project management and direction, brand development and commercialisation.

To read about the whole project please visit www.encirclemedical.com