Locus Research has been accredited under the new Capability Development Voucher which is a part of the Regional Business Partners program. This program brings closer New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) with the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MSI) to provide better continuity and effectiveness of support.
"NZTE and the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MSI) have put in place a network of 14 Regional Business Partners around New Zealand. The partners work to support business growth and innovation in their regions and are a natural first point of contact for businesses seeking government assistance."
The Vouchers provide 50% of the cost of training and capability development in a wide range of areas. Our team is please to announce that we have been accepted as a provider under this innovative program.
We have created 5 capability development services/workshops which have been accepted under the voucher programme. These are:
- Identifying Winning Products : This workshop focusses on the difficult front end. Introducing the key ideas, approaches and themes relevant to the research, identification and subsequent development of successful new products;
- Progressive Product Development Approaches: There are a wide of approaches to product development. This workshop introduces contemporary approaches to the creation and development of new products and services and looks to align the best approach for your business and operations;
- Delivering Increased Value through Innovation: This workshop provides traning and follow on coaching on planning and implementing a concurrent innovation/product development strategy covering short, medium and longer term objectives for your business;
- A Guide to Sustainable Product Development: This is based off a great resource developed for the design industry and the Ministry for the Environment. It incorporates how this can be initiated effectively within your company and through your products in a short half day session;
- Life Cycle Thinking: A full spectrum introduction into life cycle thinking, management and assessment and tools. This is based of our successful Life Cycle Thinking workshops conducted natonwide and provides an action oriented and progressive learning opportunity for executive managers looking to come to grips with what sustainability means in their business.
These services are available to elegible companies throughout New Zealand. The eligibility criteria are reproduced below, see your Regional Business Partner for further information and detail about the programme.
NZTE Capability Development Vouchers are available through your local Regional Business Partner. The vouchers can be used to help you access services that build your management capabilities, which in turn may accelerate the growth of your business.To be eligible for the vouchers your business needs to:
- have fewer than 50 employees
- be registered for GST in New Zealand
- operating in a commercial environment
- privately owned or a Maori Trust
- demonstrate a desire to innovate and grow.
Vouchers can not be allocated until you have been assessed by your local Regional Business Partner.