Sustainable Design for Business Workshop Series

LCT 09

Wellington: 6/7th Aug
Dunedin: 13/14th Aug
Christchurch: 11/11th Sept
Auckland: 17/18th Sept

The Sustainable Design for Business Workshop series (formerly the 'Life Cycle Thinking Workshop Series') is back for 2009, with a set of two day workshops that deliver easily understandable information and applicable tools for sustainable design and development in New Zealand.

Originally delivered in 2008 over three days, this year’s series has been compressed into a two day format with updated content.

Feedback from the 2008 series:
"well crafted, very motivational"
"Liked that the day was broken up into sections. I was never bored"
"The workshops were very organized and worked well. The pre-printed paper layouts were great"

Cost for two day workshops:
DINZ Members $350 + GST, Non-Members $395 + GST.
Refreshments are provided.

Time: 9:30am-4:30pm
For more information and to register, see the Sustainable Design for Business Workshop Series website.