Our latest SPD seminar was held at the BCC in Palmerston North. The seminar, hosted by Locus Research and Motovated Design & Analysis, presented an informed view on what it takes to develop innovative products that really connect with customers.
Locus Research's Timothy Allan talked through the importance of a well thought-out design process that starts with good research, proceeds with a developed structure, and contains the values of culture and creativity. Tim introduced the concept of the Product System, a framework for insight driven product development. This includes defining a product and associated service and understanding the interactions and activities of users, purchasers, stakeholders, and influencers. Understanding and clearly defining the product system is an excellent start point for uncovering new and valuable insights.
Jonathan Prince of Motovated Design & Analysis, like Tim, talked about the benefit of a good design process to successful product development. He gave some excellent examples of getting it right and getting it wrong. Jonathan talked about the danger of designing products based on perception rather than research and fact. Jonathan also showed how tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can help companies save time and money by getting the design right before you cut the steel..