Seminar Series: Excuse or Great Idea?

The paradox:  We pay our sales people to deliver sales; in doing so, reports from the field such as 'the prospect didn't like this' or 'if it had that they would buy' are quickly labelled as excuses for not winning business. At the same time we ask our product development teams to go into market to better understand the customer in order to deliver better products and services and improve the customer experience. Aren't these two closely aligned? How can we better use our sales teams in conjunction with product development to better understand customers' needs and deliver improved products and services?

The opportunity: If a business could double its customer feedback and gain better customer insight, could it develop more informed products that better solve customer problems and therefore demand a better price?

This presentation: specifically looks at the process of weeding out sales excuses from valuable feedback and using this, together with product research, to drive stronger, more profitable product development, faster.

Timothy Allan and Dan Hansen (MSM Sales Management) will be presenting a seminar on how to use customer contact through sales as a listening post for developing new products and improving your business.

Hamilton - Wednesday 19 November 4.30-7pm

Tauranga - Thursday 20 November 4.30-7pm