We're heading to the Waikato river country and bringing the Successful Product Development Series to Hamilton.
What makes a great product or service?
How do you know your idea is worth pursuing?
How do you go about realising your product and maximising your market potential?
Developing innovative new products and services is critical to driving your company’s revenue growth and increasing competitive advantage. But product development is often a high risk exercise, so how do you maximise your chances for success and develop world class products that really connect with your customers?
In conjunction with Waikato Chamber of Commerce and the Waikato Regional Business Partners, Timothy Allan (Locus Research), Jonathan Prince (Motovated Design & Analysis), Tonia Brugh (Tompkins Wake), and Peter Maxwell (Callaghan Innovation) will be presenting this informative seminar on:
This is a practical seminar that will be presented by industry experts to help you develop your idea and ensure you have the best possible chance of success in the market.
Who should attend?
Entrepreneurs, Business owners, Investors, Senior managers, Designers & Engineers looking to:
Cost: Free
Time: Thursday, May 2, 2013
Refreshments from 5pm, Seminar 5.30 - 7.30pm
Venue: Waikato Innovation Park
Ruakura Lane, Hamilton
Only a few seats left so click the link below to reserve your space!