GreenDrinks Tauranga - Young Innovators Award


Blythe Rees-Jones of Locus Research and  Jim McEwan of Trimax will be speaking at GreenDrinks Tauranga about the Young Innovators Award (YiA), a competition in which they were both judges.

The YiA is aimed at secondary schools was the brainchild of local industry needing a skilled workforce for the future.  Its purpose is to encourage students to think about  interlinking innovation and sustainability in the design of a product or service. While the competition was aimed at secondary school students, its focus and outputs are equally relevant to any business wishing to lead in these fields.

Lionel Crawley of NZTE will also speak about the BOP Productivity Award.

Where: Bravo, Red Square, Tauranga
When: Tuesday 8th June        
Time: 5.00pm - 7.00pm 
RSVP by Monday 7th June