Developing innovative new products and services is critical to driving your company’s revenue growth and increasing competitive advantage. But product development is often a high risk exercise, so how do you maximise your chances for success and develop world class products that really connect with your customers?
This seminar covers three key topics:
Brought to you by Timothy Allan (Locus Research), Kylie van Heerden (Sharp Tudhope Lawyers) and Jonathan Prince (Motovated Design & Analysis).
Entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, senior managers, designers & engineers looking to:
Better Exporting Series – Developing World Class Products
When: Wednesday 6 March, 2013 from 7.30 – 9.30am
Where: Sharp Tudhope Lawyers, Level 4, 152 Devonport Road, Tauranga
Cost: No cost. Coffee and Danish supplied
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