Internationally renowned environmental advocate Michael Braungart was in New Zealand for the Better by Design CEO Summit which was held in Auckland in September. An additional workshop was organised subsequent to this as a follow on to the Life Cycle Thinking series; providing an opportunity to hear Michael's presentation on his Cradle to Cradle concept firsthand and offering another perspective on the design of products in our ever changing consumer society.
Braungart and colleague William McDonough co-wrote the book Cradle to Cradle which discusses the design of products and services from inception right through to the reappropriation of the materials for other use. This recurring sequence of service provision is defined in two ways, as a biological nutrient cycle and a technical nutrient cycle. Components and materials that are designed to break down form part of the bio-nutrient cycle, nourishing and adding to the system as they are disposed of; while technical nutrients are component parts and materials that are remanufactured and incorporated into a different series of products and services to maximise and enhance their existence.
Braungart's focus on the toxic nature of many designs provided food for thought for the design audience, particularly his comment stating that "a design that is less bad is still bad", especially when regarding the interaction of children with the objects we design. His hardline approach to 'yes or no' decisions when choosing which materials and production methods to use challenged the way we think about manufacturing of multiple component parts in New Zealand.
For further information on the Cradle to Cradle approach and Michael's personal site and vision visit:, or for information on the fair that he and his team are currently organising.