Krissi is a visual communicator, with a passion for typography, print, photography and interdisciplinary learning.
Krissi joined the team at Locus Research as a recent graduate of CoCa, Massey University. Previous to this, she spent the last four years living and learning in the Capital. Throughout her time at Massey, Krissi actively sought to push boundaries, work in a multidisciplinary manner and discover who she is as a designer. She believes that design is more than creating pretty pictures. It’s about pushing boundaries, stepping out of your comfort zone and finding those precious insights in order to create world class design.
In her final year at Massey University, Krissi worked on a research and user centered project, based around pregnancy. She explored how communication design can be used to help first-time, New Zealand, prenatal mothers have a smooth experience through their pregnancy and find a strong confidence in their abilities. On top of this, she completed an internship, participated as an artist in Lux Festival 2014, spoke as a guest speaker at the Wairarapa Moana Annual General meeting and worked part time as an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant at the University.
As a ‘Bay girl’ returning home, Krissi brings to Locus Research a fresh energy and passion for design.