Delloch Hip Protection

More than 90% of hip fractures are attributed to falls and global health issues such as osteoporosis and dementia can further increase the risk of hip fracture. Existing hip protection products (hip bone protector pads located in undergarments) often fail in market by not providing the required protection and comfort levels and lack desirability. Locus Research was approached by innovative start-up company Delloch to develop the next generation hip protector.

Anthropometric research and an iterative design and test programme underpinned the development. This allowed for wide range exploration of pad materials, properties and configurations to be optimised for key patient requirements such as comfort and cleaning. Extensive force attenuation testing was conducted on prototypes on in-house bio-mechanical test equipment that replicated and measured fall impact forces on the hip region. The pads were later externally verified by experts in hip protection research at Cardiff University, UK.

The 3D form of the pad was derived directly from anthropometric data of the falls risk demographic and anatomical research showed significant variance of hip bone positions across a range of people. An innovative pad

Locus Research has been an exceptional development partner throughout the whole process from design through to commercialization

adjustment method in the undergarments was developed to provide accurate positioning of the protection across the variance. The undergarment was developed with a leading New Zealand undergarment manufacturer resulting in male and female styles that have set a new standard in comfort and style for hip protection.

The programme successfully delivered a dual-offer of compliant class-leading protector pads for varying falls risk profiles, specific male and female style undergarments, packaging, developed brand and marketing material, and a complete New Zealand based supply chain. Delloch now have the HipFit in care-homes in New Zealand with international sales high on the agenda.

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Delloch Ltd is a company that has been established to develop, market and sell products related to prevention of injuries due to falls.  Our first product is a new generation hip protector targeting the elderly in the aged care market.

Delloch engaged Locus Research from the outset of this project when we had only a high-level model of our conceptual design.  Locus Research has been an exceptional development partner throughout the whole process from design through to commercialization for several key reasons:

1.     Locus has in-house capability to assist across all the facets of product design including IP management, product design, supply chain management, brand development, marketing collateral development etc.  This “one-stop shop” approach has been critical in that we have not had to manage multiple parties and get them all aligned to one way of thinking.

2.     Locus staff have become part of the Delloch team and have been unwavering in their support to get this product to market as soon as practical.  Their enthusiasm for the project has been infectious amongst the Delloch team.

3.     Locus have effectively backed our project by entering into a Cost-plus agreement where they have offered there services at a discounted rate against a share of future revenues.  This means they are even more committed to a positive outcome as there are future benefits for Locus as well as Delloch.

Mark Smith
GM – Delloch Ltd

11th December, 2011